Real Leadership needed in Washington DC says Ryan B

May 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, News, Politics, World

UNEMPLOYMENT                The government underestimates the unemployment rate.[1] A honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work.  With medical benefits (single payer like all over the industrialized world), a reasonable work week, some sort of retirement benefits and some sick time and paid vacation time.  Is that too much to ask?

The people of South Carolina are not looking for a handout, but if anyone is entitled to a bail out, we are!  We don’t need promise making, promise breaking politicians to lie to us about how good things are going while they sell us down the river and approve the trade agreements that have sent so many  of our jobs overseas perhaps never to return.

BANKERS             Well, simply put, it a graph.  One line, say a blue line, charts the income of the wealthy against inflation over time it goes up, straight almost aimed for infinite, I mean that chart it climbin like a moon rocket.  And there is a green line, the peoples line, yes the income does steadily rise, but the prices rise faster and we are not as well off as we were in years past.  Our labor does not buy as much as it used to we are not really breaking even with our income increases but the corporate profits and salaries go straight up.  WE have had 29% foreclosures in the past two years and more are coming.  Our government gave enough money to the bankers to pay off every mortgage in this country.  What for.  FOR NOTHING!!!

When there is a class of people and corporations whose spending power is infinitely greater than that of the working people it becomes very difficult to keep things fair.  Consider that the same corporations and people that are making profits by moving our jobs overseas are the ones that own the newspapers and the television stations, and the radio stations, so you aren’t going to hear much of what they don’t want you to hear.

And that is why it is so important that everyone pay close attention to details.  Compare what you are told is happening by the media and the government and the corporations, yes, compare what they tell you to WHAT YOU ACTUALLY SEE HAPPENING!!!

I see at what look like 20% unemployment in many communities and I don’t see it getting better.


I see teachers being fired and class sizes being raised and the education budget being slashed to the point where our educators are powerless to give our children the skills they will need to compete in a world job market.  That should rank among our highest priorities.


The Congress just took a vacation without fixing the Medicare problem, our veterans and our seniors are getting inferior service.  The American Medical Association is very critical of the situation and I stand with them.  The nation can afford giving everyone adequate healthcare and any one who says different is probably making way too much money for the benefit humanity gets out of it.  We do not need a layer of insurance companies and bureaucrats like a nest of leeches sucking our life’s blood so we can’t afford proper health care.  We can put these bureaucracies to work monitoring the oil companies and the financial industry and we will let them keep a % of the graft and corruption they discover but funnel most of it back into the economy where it will be more than enough to give our people health care, and probably educate and feed them if we really have to.

How is that for a solution, take the profit out of healthcare and use the insurance bureaucracy  to monitor the oil companies, banking, and wall street.

And bring almost all of our troops home.  Treat the ones for PTSD that need it and put our soldiers to work rebuilding this country’s infrastructure, implementing sustainable energy programs, lets stop farming out the work that our core of engineers should be doing four times better and ten times  cheaper than  our politician’s buddys’ companies are doing it for us now.

We are in trouble here at home.  We need our young men here and our money here.

IF anyone has any ideas they want to suggest that aren’t too much wilder and don’t involve robbing and killing the people  and might work I would definitely like to hear about it.

If elected I will try to listen to and understand the problems that are brought to me and to help with searching for solutions.  I am always open to suggestions.  If you have a good idea share it.  If I am elected operators will always be standing by to take your calls.  The good the bad and the ugly.
I am Brian “Ryan B. Doyle and I approved this message.

[1] Just like BP underestimates the oil spill rate.  It turns out they may have to pay a penalty by the barrel so of course they would rather say seven thousand barrels a day than look at totals in excess of seven-hundred million barrels, no one has said for sure yet how many millions of gallons per day, but I have heard it suggested that it approaches  huge numbers.

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